
Finland must become climate neutral by 2035 in order to take adequate responsibility in solving the climate crisis. The Finnish government and the overwhelming majority of Finns support ambitious climate goals, but the transition to a climate neutral society demands sweeping and immediate action. For the necessary social change to occur, difficult decisions must be made, and questions about the creation of a sustainable welfare society must be confronted head-on. Civil society must act and push for ambitious climate policy, in order for the transition to be a fair one; one which takes everyone and their needs into consideration.

We desire a new narrative of a sustainable future, a narrative which everyone is invited to create. The global school strike movement has outlined the crucial need to unite in the name of science. We do not possess all the answers to solve the climate crisis, but wish to pave the way to a climate neutral society with citizens and the scientific community. Together, we can find a unified voice and a clear message, through which we will demand swift and ambitious action.

We shall amplify the message of science until our politicians hear us. Only then may the necessary change occur.

Civic engagement is an important means of advancing the immediate political decisions necessitated by the climate crisis – outside of the voting booths. Change must occur on every level: in politics, in business, and at home. Climate Move centers itself around political action, as politics create the playbook for both businesses and the individual. Our movement seeks to monitor the fulfillment of political promises, and to ensure that the transition to a sustainable society materializes in a way which is just for all.

For the climate,
Climate Move

Climate Move was born out of the Ilmastoveivi2019 climate campaign, and utilizes the vast network of the campaign, which garnered sixty-thousand signatures to a petition seeking to update the emission goals of the European Union. With the lead of experts, Climate Move finds concrete ways of moving toward a sustainable society. Climate Move is non-partisan and works independently without the influence of external actors.

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