Move is a
which tries to
affect climate politics,
to make
carbon neutral by 2035.
A carbon neutral Finland by 2035? The goal has been set, but a sustainable societal shift requires profound action. Climate Move provides resources for civic engagement and offers ways for everyone to make an impact on climate politics. Our citizens’ movement monitors the realization of climate promises and seeks to ensure a just transition to carbon neutrality.

What can I do?

Which moves will you make to secure Finland’s carbon neutral future?


Move at your pace

Eager for more information about trends in Finnish climate politics? Is your feed lacking perspectives on climate change? Are you interested in learning about current, yet easy means of making your voice heard?

Join the Climate Move community on social media: follow us and share information about campaigns and new viewpoints on your accounts, and challenge your friends to join! Every like and share is a move for the climate.


Move to action

Looking to move words to action? We can make a difference in climate politics outside of the voting booth. Take your activism to the next level, and participate in our climate evenings.

Every evening explores a central piece in Finland’s climate neutrality puzzle. During the events, we learn from experts and create new ways of active civic participation.


Move with us

Everyone is welcome to join our team and help move Finland towards a climate neutral reality. We are looking for volunteers in content creation, public relations, and lobbying, as well as for experts in different fields from all over Finland. Could your studies and expertise move climate politics forward?

Did we catch your eye?

Follow the movement!

We post actively about our work as well as about current events on Climate Move’s social media accounts.

Become a supporter!

You can support our climate movement in a variety of ways: with time, space, or information! Send us a message, let’s talk!